Hello All:
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on our call Wednesday evening.
It is always great to have open dialog and share information. There is always something new to learn!
Julie Clarich reviewed the success of our most recent Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia at Lakewood Park and asked for feedback on what people liked or suggestions they may have for future events. One suggestion was that we would include speakers. If you have any other suggestions, please let us know. We strive to be inclusive and your input will help our events be more successful.
We asked for ideas on future fundraising. One suggestion was to hold an indoor event during the winter (Feb/Mar). Another idea was to have an actual outdoor marathon in the Spring. This type of event should be sponsored and supported by local corporations/businesses who would assist in developing teams. Participants would pay a registration fee. It would take a lot of planning. Ginger is going to find out more about a local company that will manage the entire process and what their fee would be. We also talked about random one time events at local establishments like pizza places or bars who would split their proceeds for the night with us. Please share any ideas you may have!
Mike Hammer reminded everyone about our dinner outing on Sep. 25th in honor of International Ataxia Awareness Day. We will be meeting at The Cabin of Willowick Restaurant in Willowick, OH (28810 Lakeshore Blvd, Willowick, OH 44095 - http://www.thecabinofwillowick.com ) at 6:30 pm. Everyone is invited. Just ask for the National Ataxia Foundation group. Hope you can join us!
Ginger Pieragastini shared information about the National Conference in Philadelphia this past April and reminded everyone that the 2019 conference is being held in Las Vegas at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino on March 29/30. Please check the NAF website and our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/NortheastOhioWalknRoll - for more information.
Carmen Pieragastini had an update on neurologists in Ohio that are listed with NAF. The list is being sent in a separate e-mail and will be posted on the Northeast Ohio area support group website - http://ataxiafoundationcleveland.blogspot.com/
Hope to see you at the IAAD dinner on Sep. 25th!
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