Thursday, August 29, 2019

So far the Northeast Ohio Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia has raised about $2,000

So far the Northeast Ohio Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia has raised about $2,000 of our $15,000 fundraising goal.
Sign up now to keep fundraising for the 2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia -
The 2019 NEO Walk n Roll to Cure Ataxia is set for Sept 22 at Lakewood Park. We have an event webpage set up now to register for the walk, create a team and join us on a great day fun, friends, family and fundraising.
Visit the event website now at
and sign up as a fundraiser and create a team, and link all your family and friends to your team so they donate and attend the event.
If you have any questions about how to register and set up your page and create a team and raise funds contact us and we will help you get rolling.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Help us promote the 2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia

Have you visited - -  and signed up as a fundraiser yet?

Have you put this message in your e-mail signature?

SAVE THE DATE - The 2019 Northeast Ohio Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia will be at Lakewood Park in Lakewood, Ohio on Sept. 22, 2019.
Learn more about the event and donate at

Have you gotten 2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia brochures to pass out at work and where you hang out and in coffee shops and all places?

Contact NEO Walk n' Roll Publicity Person Mike Hammer at if you need help registering or promoting or if you need brochures.


Friday, August 23, 2019


JOIN US AT THE NORTHEAST OHIO WALK N' ROLL TO CURE ATAXIA (from left) Carmen Pieragastini, Ginger Pieragastini, Mike Hammer and Julie Clarich

The 2019 Northeast Ohio Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia is on Sept. 22, and there will be tons of fun, friends, family and fundraising going on.
There is NO registration fee – but donations are gladly accepted.
Sign up to join us and start fundraising for the 2019 NEO Walk n Roll to Cure Ataxia NOW at
The National Ataxia Foundation, Northeast Ohio area support group will present the 2019 Northeast Ohio (NEO) Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia on Sept. 22 at Lakewood Park in Lakewood in the Women’s Pavilion. Registration begins at 10 a.m. and the event starts at 11 a.m., it features music, a fundraising raffle with items from the Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Browns and the Lake Erie Crushers, a presentation from the Cleveland Metroparks Outdoor Experiences Division and more, followed be a walk around the park to support Ataxia awareness. Ataxia is a neurological disease that sometimes causes death and always causes lower quality of life. There is no cure for Ataxia and the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) Walk n’ Roll events raise money to help research a cure.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Start fundraising now for the 2019 NEO Walk n Roll to Cure Ataxia - get great prizes for fundraising

Sign up to join us and start fundraising for the 2019 NEO Walk n Roll to Cure Ataxia NOW at
Start your NEO Walk n' Roll team today and win some prizes for raising money - win recognition certificates, National Ataxia Foundation shirts, gift cards and more when you and your team raise $250, $500, $750 or $1,000.
The NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia is aiming to raise $15,000 for the National Ataxia Foundation, for research into Ataxia and support of those whose suffer from Ataxia.
The 2019 NEO Walk n Roll to Cure Ataxia is set for Sept 22 at Lakewood Park. We have an event webpage set up now to register for the walk, create a team and join us on a great day fun, friends, family and fundraising.
Visit the event website now at
and sign up as a fundraiser and create a team, and link all your family and friends to your team so they donate and attend the event. If you have any questions about how to register and set up your page and create a team and raise funds contact us and we will help you get rolling.
Mark Sept 22 on our calendar to attend the NEO Walk n' Roll, there is No Registration Fee to attend this enjoyable and rewarding event.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sign up to join us and start fundraising now for the 2019 NEO Walk n Roll to Cure Ataxia

Sign up to join us and start fundraising now for the 2019 NEO Walk n Roll to Cure Ataxia -

The 2019 NEO Walk n Roll to Cure Ataxia is set for Sept 22 at Lakewood Park. We have an event webpage set up now to register for the walk, create a team and join us on a great day fun, friends, family and fundraising.
Visit the event website now at
and sign up as a fundraiser and create a team, and link all your family and friends to your team so they donate and attend the event.
If you have any questions about how to register and set up your page and create a team and raise funds contact us and we will help you get rolling.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2019 NEO Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia and kickoff meeting scheduled

2019 Northeast Ohio Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia and kickoff meeting scheduled
Group seeks event volunteers, sponsors and donors
(Northeast Ohio) – It is only a month away. The 2019 Northeast Ohio Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia is on Sept. 22, and there will be tons of fun, friends, family and fundraising going on.
The National Ataxia Foundation, Northeast Ohio area support group will present the 2019 Northeast Ohio (NEO) Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia on Sept. 22 at Lakewood Park in Lakewood in the Women’s Pavilion. Registration begins at 10 a.m. and the event starts at 11 a.m., it features music, a fundraising raffle with items from the Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Browns and the Lake Erie Crushers, a presentation from the Cleveland Metroparks Outdoor Experiences Division and more, followed be a walk around the park to support Ataxia awareness. Ataxia is a neurological disease that sometimes causes death and always causes lower quality of life. There is no cure for Ataxia and the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) Walk n’ Roll events raise money to help research a cure.

The 2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia will be an easy, fun, and rewarding activity. The event is open to the public and everyone is welcome. Friends, family, and the community, are invited to attend the event and help us care Ataxia. Since 2016 about 300 people have attended the annual NEO Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia events and around $40,000 has been raised for the NAF. The goal of the 2019 NEO Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia is to keep raising awareness and funds for Ataxia.
Event sponsors and raffle donations are needed. Each donor and sponsor will be recognized at the event and in all social media publicity for the event. Please contact Ginger Pieragastini at to arrange a raffle donation or cash sponsorship today

Find more information and register to raise money and win prizes at the 2019 NEO Walk n’ Roll website  -

There will be a 2019 NEO Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia kickoff meeting to help organize fundraising teams, publicity and volunteers on Monday, August 19 at B.A. Sweetie in Cleveland  - -   on Brookpark Road. Volunteers are needed to help with setup on event day and the group is hoping for donations  - of money or prizes – from individuals and businesses to help raise money to research a cure for Ataxia. All money raised at the 2019 NEO Walk n’ Roll to Cure Ataxia will go to the National Ataxia Foundation.

NAF represents the estimated 150,000 individuals, of all ages, in the United States that have Ataxia, a debilitating condition that is a rare and often fatal neurodegenerative disorder. The word “ataxia” comes from the Greek word “a taxis” meaning “without order or incoordination.” Ataxia gets progressively worse and affects a person’s ability to walk, talk and use fine motor skills. There is no cure for Ataxia.

Find more information about the National Ataxia Foundation Northeast Ohio area support group  -

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia event flyer

CHECK out the new flyer for the 2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia 

 contact us if we can send you some to help distribute 

Friday, August 9, 2019

2019 Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia KICKOFF MEETING

2019 Walk n' Roll KICKOFF MEETING - Mark your calendars for Monday August 19 at 4:30 pm to meeting up get fundraising materials join a committee and start working on the 2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia - we will meet at B.A.Sweetie on Brookpark Road in the ice cream shop

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Raising Ataxia awareness at Cleveland ADA Day

Yesterday there here were about 20 organizations with info tables and a couple thousand people at Cleveland ADA Day and Wade Oval Wednesdays down in University Circle which is a cool weekly summer party where there are food trucks and a band and an outdoor movie.
The weather was great yesterday, like mid 80s n sunny, then a nice breeze as the evening came on

We had free face painting at the our Ataxia group table and we raised some good Ataxia awareness among attendees and made some connections with other ADA organizations 
If anyone would like some info about the organizations that were at ADA Day send a message/ You can find a whole list of the organizations that were at ADA Day on the Cleveland ADA Day website.

Above is National Ataxia Foundation, Northeast Ohio Support group founder Carmen Pieragastini working the information table at Cleveland ADA Day

Sunday, August 4, 2019

2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia volunteers needed

We could use some volunteers to help us set up and tear down at the 2019 NEO Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia at Lakewood Park on Sept 22. Group members have trouble walking and rely on help to move things. If you can volunteer some time please mark it on your calendar and help us out to raise money to help local residents with Ataxia and raise Ataxia awareness. Thanks.